7 février 2022
Transport international

No End in Sight to Ottawa Protests, Not Enough Resources, Says Police Chief

Veuillez noter que certaines nouvelles de transport international ainsi que les nouvelles américaines sont disponibles en anglais seulement.

Ottawa’s chief of police says he does not have enough resources to end the turbulent protests launched in the nation’s capital more than a week ago – nor can he say when they might come to an end.

«We need an additional surge of resources,» Chief Peter Sloly said Saturday, even though every available Ottawa Police Service (OPS) officer is on active duty and hundreds of other law-enforcement officials have come to help.

More than 7,000 demonstrators came into the downtown Saturday, according to police, and 500 heavy trucks still remain in the so-called «red zone.»

Read more in an article from CBC News.

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