21 novembre 2023
Transport international

Pricing Index Shows Airfreight Rates Creeping Steadily Upwards

Veuillez noter que certaines nouvelles de transport international ainsi que les nouvelles américaines sont disponibles en anglais seulement.

The August to September uptick on airfreight rates on major Asia-outbound lanes is gradually continuing, pricing analysts say.

Nevertheless, there was little change in the first week of November, according to the latest data from air cargo pricing monitor TAC Index.

The Baltic Air Freight Index (BAI) was overall slightly lower, down by 0.5 percent, in the week to November 6, leaving its year-on-year change at 28.8 percent down – but with the ‘firmer tone’ of peak season generally continuing, a statement says.

Rates on the biggest air cargo routes out of China continued to climb during the week.

Read more in an article from Air Cargo Eye.

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