1 août 2023
Transport international

Rail Freight from Canada to U.S. Continues to Drop After Ports Strike

Veuillez noter que certaines nouvelles de transport international ainsi que les nouvelles américaines sont disponibles en anglais seulement.

Rail traffic from Canada into the U.S. had a third-straight weekly drop as a result of the on-again, off-again strike at the West Coast Canadian ports.

The vessel and container gridlock is raising concerns for chemical companies who have critical materials stuck as a result, creating supply chain issues.

Total rail volume from Canada to the U.S. was down 12%, according to the Association of American Railroad’s latest rail traffic report for the week ending July 22. This was an improvement, given the first full week of the strike saw a 46% decrease in rail trade from Canada, and the second week suffered a 36% decrease.

Read more in an article from CNBC.

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