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Canada’s Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra yesterday introduced the Strengthening the Port System and Railway Safety in Canada Act in the House of Commons. The Act aims to:
- amend current legislation and modernize the way Canada’s marine and railway transportation systems operate;
- remove systemic barriers to create a more fluid, secure and resilient supply chain;
- expand Canada Port Authorities’ mandate over traffic management;
- position Canada’s ports as strategic hubs that support national supply chain performance and effectively manage investment decisions for sustainable growth;
- improve the government’s insight into ports and their operations; and
- modernize provisions on rail safety, security, and transportation of dangerous goods.
Together, these measures seek to improve the supply chain, including the competitiveness of Canada’s transportation system and operations that are safe, secure, efficient and reliable. The proposed measures would support the flow of essential goods and would implement tools to mitigate risks and impacts of future supply chain challenges.
Read more in a press release from Transport Canada.