29 mars 2022
Transport international

U.S. West Coast Port Congestion Starts to Ease as Imports Divert to the East

Veuillez noter que certaines nouvelles de transport international ainsi que les nouvelles américaines sont disponibles en anglais seulement.

Average vessel waiting times for berth and labour have improved significantly at the San Pedro Bay ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in the past few weeks, halving the number of queueing ships to below 50.

Moreover, according to the latest data from the Los Angeles Signal port optimizer platform, the average waiting time at LA terminals has fallen to 3.1 days, with some facilities reporting little or no delay.

Supply chain disruptions in China, improving landside operations and the continuing coastal shift to the hitherto less-congested U.S. east and Gulf coast ports are seen as the main reasons for the easing of congestion.

Read more in an article from The Loadstar.

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