5 March 2025
Canadian Custom Brokerage

CBSA initiates administrative review of values of stainless steel sinks from China

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) initiated an administrative review to update the normal values, export prices, and amounts of subsidy of certain stainless steel sinks originating in or exported from China.

Orders from the Canadian International Trade Tribunal impose anti-dumping and countervailing duty on importations of the specified goods.

Normal values and amounts of subsidy established during this review will be effective for the subject goods released from the CBSA on or after the date of the conclusion of the review. Normal values and amounts of subsidy currently in place will expire on that date. Normal values and amounts of subsidy determined on the basis of the review will be applied to any entries of subject goods under appeal that have yet to be re-determined at the time of the conclusion of the review.

It is anticipated that this re-investigation will be concluded by August 29, 2025.

Link: Notice of initiation of administrative review to update the normal values, export prices, and amounts of subsidy

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