17 December 2024
Canadian Custom Brokerage

Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax break on certain imported items

The Government of Canada announced plans to provide a Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) tax break on certain items beginning December 14, 2024, and ending February 15, 2025.

The GST/HST will be fully and temporarily lifted on qualifying goods purchased and imported into Canada during the relief period. The Cannada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will administer the GST/HST break on goods imported via the traveller, postal, Courier Low Value Shipment (CLVS) and commercial streams.

The CBSA advises that anyone personally or commercially importing goods into Canada during the tax break period will receive the GST/HST relief if they meet all of the eligibility requirements.

Further information is available in the following documents:

– GST/HST break on imported items. The GST/HST will be fully and temporarily lifted on qualifying goods purchased and imported into Canada during the relief period. The CBSA will administer the GST/HST break on goods imported via the traveller, postal, Courier Low Value Shipment (CLVS) and commercial streams

– Customs Notice 24-43 Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) break

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