27 August 2024
Canadian Custom Brokerage

Consultation on the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement

The Government of Canada is launching a consultation about the operation of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) which entered into force on July 1, 2020, replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that had been in force since January 1, 1994.

In 2026, the first joint review of CUSMA will be undertaken. To prepare for the review, the Government is seeking stakeholders views and experiences on key areas of CUSMA that are working well and potential areas for improvement.

Stakeholders’ views will help to inform Canada’s preparations for the joint review in 2026 and inform other efforts to ensure the effective operation of the Agreement, including under Canada’s Chairing of the Free Trade Commission in 2025 and committee work.

Interested parties are invited to submit their views by October 31, 2024.

Link: Consulting Canadians on the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement

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