The Canada Border Services Agency’s BCCC Secretariat (CBSA) recently issued an email note for trade, concerning the costs borne by importers for examination of cargo:
“Although the CBSA selects and examines goods, the costs of the resulting examinations are not imposed by the CBSA, but rather by the shipping industry, which in turn passes the cost on to the importer. All costs of CBSA staff and equipment required to perform an examination are covered by the Government of Canada.”
“As the fees for presenting any goods for examination are generated by the Port Authority, Terminal Operators, and/or Warehouse Operators, the cost of examinations fall outside the authority of the CBSA. Nonetheless, the agency is committed to improving the examination process and exploring potential efficiencies through working collaboratively with industry associations and committees.”
“The CBSA maintains a shared interest in ensuring an efficient flow of the commercial supply chain with minimal impact to its industry partners. The agency is committed to working with other government departments and industry stakeholders to examine gaps, establish service levels and modernize technological systems to ensure an efficient examination process.”