7 November 2023
Canadian Custom Brokerage

Reminder: Wheat products tariff rate quota will be filled on November 4

Global Affairs Canada advises that the 2023-2024 tariff rate quota (TRQ) for wheat products will be filled as of 20:59 p.m. Ottawa time (EST) on November 4, 2023.

Once the TRQ level is reached, General Import Permit No. 20 – Wheat and Wheat Products and Barley and Barley Products (GIP No. 20) will be suspended in respect to the relevant goods until July 31, 2024.

General Import Permit No. 100 – Eligible Agricultural Goods (GIP No. 100) will cover, for the balance of the 2023-2024 marketing year, unlimited imports classified under the “over access commitment” tariff item number.

Therefore, as of 20:59 p.m. Ottawa time (EST) on November 4, 2023, importers of wheat products may no longer invoke GIP No. 20 when importing such goods.

It should be noted that after the TRQ level is reached, some wheat products that qualify under the U.S., Mexican, Chilean, Peruvian, Costa Rican, European or United Kingdom’s tariff will continue to be assessed at the “within access” lower rate of duty.

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