Here is a selection of relevant memorandums, notices, and decisions published this week. If you have any questions, be sure to contact your Axxess specialist.
- Government of Canada: Customs Notice 24-01: Notification of the requirement to present Global Affairs Canada (GAC) import permits for all “new“ restricted handgun importations
- Government of Canada: Notice of close of record and updated schedule: Carbon and Alloy Steel Line Pipe 2 (LP2 2023 UP2)
- Government of Canada: Notice of close of record and updated schedule: Carbon and Alloy Steel Line Pipe 2 (LP2 2023 UP1)
- Government of Canada: (Available in french only) Avis de douanes 24-02 : Nouvelles restrictions à l’importation et à l’exportation d’ivoire d’éléphant et de corne de rhinocéros imposées par le ministère de l’Environnement et Changement climatique Canada (ECCC)