16 April 2024
Canadian Custom Brokerage

U.S. reports increase in imports and exports in February

The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis announced that the country’s goods and services deficit was $68.9 billion in February, up $1.3 billion from $67.6 billion in January.

February exports were $263.0 billion, $5.8 billion more than January exports. February imports were $331.9 billion, $7.1 billion more than January imports.

The February increase in the goods and services deficit reflected a decrease in the goods deficit of $0.3 billion to $91.4 billion and a decrease in the services surplus of $1.6 billion to $22.5 billion.

Year-to-date, the goods and services deficit decreased $3.9 billion, or 2.8 percent, from the same period in 2023. Exports increased $9.3 billion or 1.8 percent. Imports increased $5.4 billion or 0.8 percent.

The February figures show surpluses, in billions of dollars, with South and Central America ($5.5), Netherlands ($4.3), Hong Kong ($2.8), Australia ($1.6), United Kingdom ($0.8), Belgium ($0.6), Brazil ($0.6), Switzerland ($0.4), and Saudi Arabia (less than $0.1).

Deficits were recorded, in billions of dollars, with China ($21.9), European Union ($17.6), Mexico ($15.3), Vietnam ($9.6), Germany ($7.6), Japan ($6.2), Ireland ($5.3), South Korea ($5.2), Canada ($5.1), India ($4.4), Taiwan ($4.2), Italy ($3.4), Malaysia ($2.4), France ($0.8), Singapore ($0.3), and Israel ($0.3).

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