5 December 2023
Canadian Custom Brokerage

Canadian railways’ freight volume was down slightly in September

Statistics Canada reports that Canadian railways transported 30.7 million tonnes of freight in September, down slightly (-1.9%) from September 2022.

The Federal Agency notes that the overall freight volume remained just below the previous five-year average of 31.6 million tonnes for the month of September.

While shipments of iron ores and concentrates were down, carloadings of coal and certain non-metallic minerals registered strong gains.

In September 2023, intermodal shipments (mainly containers) originating from Canada led the overall decline in freight for the third month in a row, falling 10.2% year over year to 2.8 million tonnes. Container volumes have declined year over year for 10 straight months.

Loadings of non-intermodal freight (mainly commodities) in Canada were down 1.8% year over year to 24.3 million tonnes in September, led in part by a decrease in carloadings of iron ores and concentrates.

Loadings from connections with American railways posted a year-over-year increase, climbing 5.2% to 3.5 million tonnes in September. This was the second increase after 11 consecutive months of year-over-year declines.

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