10 May 2022
Canadian Custom Brokerage

War in Ukraine and omicron affect global air cargo volumes

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released March 2022 data for global air cargo markets showing a drop in demand. IATA says the effects of Omicron in Asia, the Russia – Ukraine war and a challenging operating backdrop contributed to the decline.

Global demand, measured in cargo tonne-kilometers, fell 5.2% compared to March 2021 (-5.4% for international operations).

Capacity was 1.2% above March 2021 (+2.6% for international operations). While this is in positive territory, it is a significant decline from the 11.2% year-on-year increase in February. Asia and Europe experienced the largest falls in capacity.

Asia-Pacific airlines saw their air cargo volumes decrease by 5.1% and North American carriers posted a 0.7% decrease. European carriers saw a 11.1% decrease in their cargo volumes. Middle Eastern carriers experienced a 9.7% year-on-year decrease.

Latin American carriers reported an increase of 22.1% in their cargo volumes, while African airlines saw an increase of 3.1%.

Source: IATA

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